How to homologate my integration with SkyHub?
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In order to start the homologation process, we must know in which category you fit:
If it is a store, please request the homologation through the link:
Use the following category: "homologação" > "solicitar homologação"
Please contact the Partner Hub at:
The B2W Partnership Team will request the creation of your test account and after that SkyHub Homologation Team will contact you with data access for you start the development.
See a video summary (in portuguese) of the approval process (just 3 minutes)
It is essential that you homologue integration altogether.
Note: All products must contain photo and category.
Note: Skyhub does not have stockpile functionality. It is of the utmost importance that you develop a stockpile solution on your side.
During the approval process you will need to create orders in the SkyHub API, for this you can use rest tools such as: DHC, Postman etc.
Note: It is essential that you send us a product that corresponds to each one of the different requests.
Create product with more than one variation
Create product with more than one variation and with price variation in sku.
Create variation product containing size attribute
Create variable product containing the color attribute
Create product with variations containing the attributes color and size
Create product with variation containing the attribute voltage
Create product with category (category + subcategory)
Update the inventory of product (submit values before and after the update)
Update product price (submit values before and after the update)
Change product status to 'enabled'
Change product status to 'disabled'
Delete a product
Create an order that contains a single unit of a simple product
Create an order that contains several units of the same simple product
Create an Order that contains a single unit of a variable product
Create an order that contains several units of the same variable product
Update order status for approved
Update Order Status to Shipped with NFE Trace Code and Key
Update Order Status for Delivered with NFE Trace Code and Key
Update order status to canceled
Update the order status for delivery exception
Consume all requests by the queue of integration (/ queues). Important to accomplish a GET
to consume the request and a DELETE
to remove it from the queue.
Currently B2W and Mercado Livre Marketplaces has theirs own freight service, "B2W Entrega" and "Mercado Envios 2" respectively. Both services offer an endpoint that allows the generation of freight labels.
Shipping Label ServiceWe provide an endpoint to access integration errors on SkyHub platform, to learn more about this feature, go to the Error Catalog <<<< {INSERIR LINK COM O ENDPOINT DO SWAGGER QUE TRATA DO CATALOGO DE ERROS}
The issues below are related to the integration validaton:
The product size information are required. Which actions are taken to ensure that the data is always sent correctly?
Products must be sent with their weight in kilograms (kg) and dimensions in centimeters (cm). Which actions are taken to ensure that the data is always sent correctly?
What are the actions taken when errors occur in the update of an order?
Is there a way to remove this product or request from the integration stream to avoid a greater number of errors? If so, which one?
Knowing that our API has a limit of 500 requests per minute, what are the actions taken so that the application does not exceed this limit? Note: On receipt of return 429 in the API it will be necessary to wait until the next minute to make a new request.
It is mandatory to consume all pending orders from the integration queue (Queues), in order to avoid selling products without stock.
To avoid having divergence between available and committed stock.
If you do not consume the pending orders what can happen? You may sell a product without stock, since stock reserve does not exist on the SkyHub platform, we always consider the information sent by you as available stock, consequently we will make it available in the Marketplace.
Must Remember:
Platforms / ERPs that do not conform to this rule will have to bear the seller's loss, since they hold the information.
For Skyhub, only the available stock should be shipped.
You must contact SkuHub API Team via e-mail with the following subject:
Doubt - How to do (enter question here) of the homologation - (Store or Plataform/ERP Name)
Do not forget to describe your question in the e-mail.
How SkyHub API Team Can Help:
We support the inquiries related to requests made at Json.
When SkyHub API Cant Help:
We do not support programming code questions
We do not generate requests for API integrationIf you have completed the development
Please kindly request the validation through with the following title:
API Homologation – “Name of the Store or Plataform/ERP”
Attach the homologation worksheet filled in with the Sku's of the items and order numbers used in the requisitions.